Monday, December 17, 2007

Welcome to our Blog!

Updated Jan. 22nd. 2008

Thanks for dropping in to meet our boxers! Ginger, Mader, Faber and MaryAnn are our AKC registered Dams and Studs.  All  are on site and have loving, loyal temperaments with the enthusiasm characteristic of the Boxer breed. They are great with our children, and our smaller dogs!

Please be advised, we do qualify our buyers. We expect that prospective buyers have taken the time to familiarize themselves with the Boxer breed and are prepared for responsible, attentive ownership.

We strongly recommend you have your puppy microchipped at your next visit to your vet. Microchipping cost as little as $40 and can be done at the same time as your puppy's next set of shots. It's the first step toward protecting the newest member of your family. A properly secured yard is essential, but in the event your Boxer is stolen or gets out, you will have a much higher chance of being reunited.

We feed our dogs the special BARF (bones and raw food) diet, with natural supplements to keep them in optimum shape. We believe well-fed stock leads to more robust offspring. We hope you will be the beneficiaries of our efforts over the years. We hope you will give careful consideration to your puppy's diet, during puppyhood and throughout your dogs life. When you come to pick up your new puppy we will send you home with a gift basket including dietary suggestions to keep your canine companion in tip-top shape.

All our puppies are individually priced. We would be happy to reserve your puppy for you with a $200 deposit that will go toward the balance that's due when you come to pick up your new puppy.

When you come to purchase or place a deposit on your puppy, we will ask you to sign a contract that requires you to return your puppy in the event that your circumstances change so that you can no longer keep him/her, nor find a suitable adoptive home. In other words, our commitment to these puppies extends well beyond the sale. If this bothers you, you probably should look elsewhere - pet stores are great places to buy a dog without any strings whatsoever.

If you're interested in stud service, Mader and Faber are available for your qualified AKC lady.
Please inquire at the number below.

Call for pricing and an appointment: